Get an overview of Microsoft Exchange Server and recognize the importance of finding it. To better understand Microsoft Exchange Server, delve into its key aspects. Fun fact: Over 400 million people use Outlook worldwide, making it one of the most popular email clients. Just access the Account Information page and alter the Account Settings accordingly. That’s it! Finding the Microsoft Exchange Server name in Outlook 2010 is simple. If multiple email accounts are listed, select the one connected to the Exchange Server before clicking ‘Change.’.Find your Microsoft Exchange Server name under ‘Server Information.’ It usually looks like ‘.’.Another window appears with additional settings for your email account.Click ‘Change’ above the list of accounts.Highlight the email account linked to your Microsoft Exchange Server.A window will open with all your email accounts.Click the ‘Account Settings’ drop-down menu and select ‘Account Settings’ again.Launch Outlook and click ‘File’ on the top left corner of the screen.Here’s how to find the Server name in Outlook 2010. But, finding the Microsoft Exchange Server can be tricky, especially for newer users or those using an outdated Outlook version. It enables them to manage emails, calendars, contacts, and other collaborative features. Microsoft Exchange Server is essential for many organizations.